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Terms & Conditions


CANCELLATIONS ONLY (added 3rd March 2020)

Within 10 days

If you have found yourself in a situation whereby you have been forced to cancel your party due to a confirmed Coronavirus case within 10 days we are willing to carry the full payment you have paid over to a new date in the next 12 months. All we ask is you work with us when considering a new date of choice as we may not be available on particular dates. 


Within 90 days

If you have found yourself in a situation whereby you have been forced to cancel your party due to a confirmed Coronavirus case within 90 days we are willing to carry the non-returnable deposit you have paid over to a new date in the next 12 months. All we ask is you work with us when considering a new date of choice as we may not be available on particular dates. 


1) A small £50 non-returnable deposit is required to secure a booking.


2) Any outstanding balance is required by invoice payment no later than 10 days prior to your event. 


3) Disco Factory UK requires you as the hall hirer to allow 30 - 60 minutes to arrive and setup prior to the party starting.

If this is not possible please inform us at the time of booking.

The DJ will require suitable parking and unloading directly outside the venue for the duration of the setup, party and packing away (not on yellow lines).

Please note: If there are inadequate parking and unloading at your venue we have the right to cancel the party on arrival if the DJ feels they are unable to transport equipment to and from their vehicle safely.


4) Disco Factory UK never contracts out work. However, in the very unlikely event of an extreme emergency we will attempt, with your permission to find an alternative entertainer. Disco Factory UK cannot be held responsible if they are unable to perform due to an emergency beyond our control.


5) Disco Factory UK will risk assess on arrival to ensure maximum safety, but the hirer is responsible for the health and safety of all guests present.


6) Should the hirer cancel the event the following cancellations fees apply:​

  • You agree that the amount of the deposit is non-returnable and the balance payment will still be due depending on the number of days notice provided.

  • Cancellations within 90 days of the event date require 100% of the total fee to be paid to Disco Factory UK unless an alternative booking for the same date and value can be made.

  • Cancellations between 91-180 days before the event date require 50% of the total fee to be paid to Disco Factory UK unless an alternative booking for the same date and value can be made.

  • You will not have to pay the balance if you notify Disco Factory UK more than 180 days before the event date. The deposit is non-returnable.


7) Disco Factory UK will need unhindered access to the venue for setup and takedown.

The hirer will need to ensure guests are not in the way during this period.




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